Offshore Approval for Lanthan Safe Sky Transponder-Based ADLS STHDS4.0
Walldorf, 1st of October 2020
The type certified transponder ADL-System (Aircraft Detection Light System) STHDS4.0 of Lanthan Safe Sky GmbH was confirmed by German offshore authorities (BSH, SOLF requirements) to be compliant for offshore application. Thus, the transponder ADLS, which was developed from the beginning for offshore use, is now officially approved for this purpose.
“We are convinced that our ADLS, which can be deeply integrated into wind farms, is fit-for-purpose for offshore projects. With our experience in the integration of systems into offshore WTGs and the SCADA infrastructure of the transition piece, on the offshore substation and in the wind farm, we are developing the ideal solution for offshore projects with the respective operators and suppliers of aviation light systems and sea mark controllers”, explains Lorenz-H. Carstensen, authorised representative of Lanthan Safe Sky and offshore experienced managing director of RECASE Regenerative Energien GmbH.
Thanks to extensive preparatory work and good cooperation with manufacturers, Lanthan Safe Sky has succeeded in offering a fully compliant ADLS for which no aviation-light hardware normally need to be replaced.
“By making use of the existing infrastructure, we thus avoid costly installation work on the wind turbines themselves”, added by Lorenz-H. Carstensen.
Lanthan Safe Sky GmbH’s team of over 25 people, including many experienced SCADA and offshore experts, is in close contact with manufacturers of wind turbines and aviation and sea navigation lights in order to implement the technically sophisticated solutions safely and cost-effectively.
“In addition, we are already in contact with most offshore operators and we are happy to be available to other operators to enter into appropriate discussions”, explains Mitja Klatt, Managing Director of Lanthan Safe Sky GmbH.
About the company:
Lanthan Safe Sky GmbH has the mission to make the sky safer and nights darker. The company has evolved from the founders and players of Lanthan, Air Avionics and RECASE and thus combines the expertise of a leading provider of obstacle light systems, an aviation-approved avionics system manufacturer and an experienced engineering and consulting service provider in the field of renewable energies.
Years ago, the companies involved joined forces to bring safe, cost-effective and sustainable detection technologies to market maturity with the transponder based ADLS.
Over a long period of time they worked hard to create acceptance for this modern technology. With success, because a broad consensus was reached: New legal regulations in countries such as Germany, but also at the ICAO, the world’s highest ranking international civil aviation organisation, allow the use of the Transponder ADLS technology, which is emission-free and based on the pure reception of such data, which every aircraft emits anyway.